
How to clean bottles & nipples [Kitten]
Newborn puppies and kittens have very naïve immune systems. Severe infections can be introduced and spread when feeding, by bacterial contamination of nipples and bottles. Cleaning ALL feeding utensils and equipment after feeding is critical to the maintenance of good health in newborns. If the equipment and feeding utensils are not clean enough to feed […]

Best practices for storing powdered milk replacer [Kitten]
To achieve protein and fat nutrient profiles similar to mothers milk our companion animal milk replacers consist of a blend of high quality dry milk ingredients and freeze-dried liquid fat. KittenGro and PuppyGro dry powder pouches have a shelf life of 18-months from production and should be stored sealed, out of direct sunlight, in a […]

How to mix milk replacer [Kitten]
It is very important to always follow the recommended mixing instructions when reconstituting milk replacer. One level scoop of powdered milk replacer should be measured and mixed with 2 scoops of hot (60°C) water, a ratio of 1:2 powder to water. A scoop is provided in both our KittenGro and PuppyGro pouches and is equal […]

When to introduce solid foods [Kitten]
After 4-weeks milk replacement alone no longer provides adequate nutritional support for proper puppy and kitten growth and development. Around 3-4 weeks of age semisolid food such as a thick gruel can be introduced by mixing a small amount of warm water or milk replacement with the mother’s food. This will entice them to start […]

Tracking growth [Kitten]
If possible, puppies and kittens should be weighed twice daily for the first 4 weeks of life to monitor proper weight gain. Weight loss or failure to gain weight is one of the first indications of health problems. Healthy puppies and kittens should gain 5-10% birth weight per day for the first 3-4 weeks of […]

Milk replacer for pregnant dogs [Puppy]
During pregnancy, energy requirements can increase by 30-60%. In addition to increasing their regular meal portion, another great way to supplement your pregnant dogs diet is by sprinkling dry PuppyGro milk powder on to their kibble to give them that extra boost! We recommend 2 teaspoons milk powder per 10lbs body weight.

How to re-heat milk replacer [Kitten]
Cooled formula should be re-heated prior to feeding by a warm water bath. Immerse bottle containing cooled formula in warm water until the milk reaches body temperature (38°C – 40°C). Do NOT microwave! Microwaving heats the formula unevenly, resulting in hot pockets that can scold the mouth and esophagus. Microwaving can also burn formula, creating […]

The importance of feeding warm milk replacer [Kitten]
Formula should always be warmed to body temperature (38°C) prior to feeding. If you do not have access to a thermometer, check the temperature by testing a small drop on the back of your hand, which should be slightly warmer than the skin. Cold formula can induce vomiting/regurgitation, hypothermia, and slow gastrointestinal motility.

How to store milk replacer [Kitten]
The mixed formula can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours in a clean, sealed container. Unused portions should be discarded after 24 hours to prevent bacteria growth. Dry powder should be stored out of direct sunlight in a cool dry location at, or below, 25°C. Proper storage will help prevent fat […]

Elimination & stimulation – they need your help! [Kitten]
Newborn puppies and kittens need to be stimulated after feeding in order to urinate and defecate for the first few weeks of life. Stimulation is usually done by the mother, however, if you are raising an orphan a moist cotton ball or wash cloth can be used to gently massaging the area after feeding. Defecation […]